MENU 2 (X2)

xHamster 🇧🇷 (歌詞) - SANDERLEI 「Abestien Letrak」 - Euskarazko itzulpena

One, two, 3D! I can't touch you through the phone
Or kiss you through the universe
In another time zone
It's the only time I can't reverse

Sanderlei Silveira ® - 2023-10-07T02:38-03:00 - US X2

#sanderlei #lyrics #TikTok

xHamster 🇧🇷 (歌詞) - SANDERLEI 「Abestien Letrak」

One, two, 3D! I can't touch you through the phone
Or kiss you through the universe
In another time zone
It's the only time I can't reverse
But when there's two dimensions
There's only one I'm missin'
And if you feel alone
You don't have to feel that no more

[Pre-Chorus: Jung Kook]
I just wanna see you like that
See you like that, uh-uh

[Chorus: Jung Kook]
So if you're ready (So if you're ready)
And if you'll let me (And if you'll let me)
I wanna see it in motion, in 3D (Uh-uh)
You won't regret me (You won't regret me)
Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti)
I wanna see it in motion, in 3D

[Post-Chorus: Jung Kook]
Cause you know how I like it, girl (Girl)
3D (Woo)
You know how I like it, girl (Girl)
3D (Woo)

[Verse 2: Jung Kook]
Body to body to body to body to body
You and me, baby, you know that we got it
So don't go gettin' me started
Cause you know I get hot-hearted
Baby, oh, baby, oh, baby, you makin' me crazy
Rain, rain, rain, you can't fake it
You give me brand-new emotion
You got me drinkin' that potion

[Pre-Chorus: Jung Kook]
I just wanna see you like that
See you like that, uh-uh

[Chorus: Jung Kook]
So if you're ready (So if you're ready)
And if you'll let me (And if you'll let me)
I wanna see it in motion, in 3D (Hey, show me, girl, now)
You won't regret me (You won't regret me)
Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti, hey)
I wanna see it in motion, in 3D (Come on, come on, come on)

[Post-Chorus: Jung Kook]
Cause you know how I like it, girl (You know how I like it)
3D (Hey; woo)
You know how I like it, girl (You know how I like it)
3D (Woo)
Cause you know how I like it, girl (Oh, you know how I like it)

3D (Woo)
You know how I like it, girl (Girl)
3D (Woo)

[Verse 3: Jack Harlow]
I'm on my Jung Kook, take a chick off one look
And when they get took, they don't ever get untook (Woo)
When I seen that body, you would think it was a dead body
The way I told my boys, "Come look"
I used to take girls up to Stony Brook
And steal they hearts like some crook, true story
Now when I hold somebody's hand, it's a new story
All my ABGs get cute for me
I had one girl (One girl), too boring

Two girls (Two girls), that was cool for me
Three girls, damn, dude's horny
Four girls, okay, now you whorin'
(Hey, hey, hey) I'm loose
I done put these shrooms to good use
I done put my city on my back
And the world know my name, I'm the truth

[Chorus: Jung Kook & Jack Harlow]
So if you're ready
And if you'll let me
I wanna see it in motion, in 3D (Ooh)
You won't regret me (Won't regret me)
Champagne confetti (Champagne confetti)

I wanna see it in motion, in 3D (Show it to me, girl, now; why?)

[Post-Chorus: Jung Kook & Jack Harlow]
Cause you know how I like it, girl (How do you like it? Right)
3D (Woo)
You know how I like it, girl (Alright, alright)
3D (Woo, woo)
Cause you know how I like it, girl (You know how I like it; Spy Kids)
3D (Alright)
You know how I like it, girl (Girl)
3D (Woo)

[Outro: Jack Harlow]
I got you playin' with yourself on camera

You my bae, just like Tampa
Speakin' of bucks, I got those
And as for fucks, well, not those
And as for thots, well, do you really wanna know? I thought so
I'll fly you from Korea to Kentucky
And you ain't gotta guarantee me nothin', I just wanna see if I get lucky
I just wanna meet you in the physical and see if you would touch me

xHamster 🇧🇷 (歌詞) - SANDERLEI 「Abestien Letrak」 - Euskarazko itzulpena

Bat, bi, 3d! Ezin dut telefonoz ukitu
Edo musu unibertsoan zehar
Beste ordu-zona batean
Ezin dut alderantzikatu ezin dudan bakarra
Baina bi dimentsio daudenean
Missin bakarra naiz

Eta bakarrik sentitzen bazara
Ez duzu gehiago sentitu gehiago

[Pre-Chorus: Jung Kook]
Horrela gustatuko zaidala ikusi nahi dut
Gustatzen zaizun hori, uh-uh

[Korua: Jung Kook]
Beraz, prest bazaude (beraz, prest bazaude)
Eta utziko nauzu (eta utziko nauzu)
Mugimenduan ikusi nahi dut, 3D-n (uh-uh)
Ez nauzu damutuko (ez zara damutuko)
Champagne Confetti (xanpaina konfeti)
Mugimenduan ikusi nahi dut, 3Dn

[Post-Chorus: Jung Kook]
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (neska)
3D (WOO)
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (neska)
3D (WOO)

[2. bertsoa: Jung Kook]
Gorputza gorputzari gorputzari gorputzari gorputzari
Zu eta ni, haurra, badakizu lortu dugula
Beraz, ez zaitez hasi
Badakizu bihotz beroa lortzen dudala
Haurra, oh, haurra, oh, haurra, zoratzen nauzu
Euria, euria, euria, ezin duzu faltsutu

Emozio berria ematen didazu
Edateko edan nauzu

[Pre-Chorus: Jung Kook]
Horrela gustatuko zaidala ikusi nahi dut
Gustatzen zaizun hori, uh-uh

[Korua: Jung Kook]
Beraz, prest bazaude (beraz, prest bazaude)
Eta utziko nauzu (eta utziko nauzu)
Mugimenduan ikusi nahi dut, 3D-n (Hey, erakutsi, neska, orain)
Ez nauzu damutuko (ez zara damutuko)
Champagne Confetti (xanpaina konfeti, jeje)
Mugimenduan ikusi nahi dut, 3Dn (aurrera, etorri, etorri)

[Post-Chorus: Jung Kook]
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan)
3D (jeje; woo)
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan)
3D (WOO)
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (oh, badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan)
3D (WOO)
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (neska)
3D (WOO)

[3. bertsoa: Jack Harlow]
Nire jung kookan nago, oilasko bat begiratu
Eta hartzen dutenean, ez dira inoiz behatu (WOO)

Gorputz hori ikusi nuenean, hildako gorputza zela pentsatuko zenuke
Nire mutilei esan nien "etorri zirela"
Neskak harri-jasotzera eramaten nituen
Eta lapurtu bihotzak crook batzuk bezala, benetako istorioa
Norbaiten eskua eusten dudanean, istorio berria da
Nire abgs guztiak niretzat politak dira
Neska bat (neska bat) ere aspergarria izan nuen
Bi neska (bi neska), niretzat freskoa zen
Hiru neska, madarikatua, tipoa
Lau neska, ados, orain zuritzen zara
(Jeje, jey, jey) solte naiz
Biltegi hauek erabilera onean jarri nituen
Nire hiria bizkarrean jarri nuen
Eta munduak badakit nire izena, egia naiz

[Korua: Jung Kook eta Jack Harlow]
Beraz, prest bazaude
Eta utziko nauzu
Mugimenduan ikusi nahi dut, 3Dn (OOH)
Ez nauzu damutuko (ez nau damutuko)
Champagne Confetti (xanpaina konfeti)
Mugimenduan ikusi nahi dut, 3Dn (erakutsi niri, neska, orain; zergatik?)

[Post-Chorus: Jung Kook eta Jack Harlow]
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (nola gustatzen zaizu? Right)
3D (WOO)
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (ondo, ondo)
3D (Woo, Woo)

Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan; espioi umeak)
3D (Ondo)
Badakizu nola gustatzen zaidan, neska (neska)
3D (WOO)

[Outro: Jack Harlow]
Kamerarekin jolastu zaitut
Zu nire baze, tampa bezala
Bucks-en hitz egin, horiek lortu ditut
Eta fucks, ondo, ez horiek
Eta thots-i dagokionez, benetan jakin nahi al duzu? Beraz, pentsatu nuen
Koreatik Kentucky-ra hegan egingo zaitut
Eta ez nauzu bermatzen, zortea lortzen dudan ala ez ikusi nahi dut
Bakarrik ezagutu nahi zaitut fisikoan eta ikusiko nauzu