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O Diário de Anne Frank (PDF)

The girl's portrait behind the myth.

Anne Frank's diary, little Anne's testimony, killed by the Nazis after spending years hidden in the attic of a house in Amsterdam, still thrills readers worldwide today.

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O Diário de Anne Frank (PDF)

The girl's portrait behind the myth.

Anne Frank's diary, little Anne's testimony, killed by the Nazis after spending years hidden in the attic of a house in Amsterdam, still thrills readers worldwide today.

His notes tell the feelings, fears, and little joys of a Jewish girl who, like her family, fought in vain to survive the Holocaust.

A powerful memory of the horrors of a war, an eloquent testimony of the human spirit.

Thus we can describe the reports made by Anne in his diary. Isolated from the outside world, the Frank faced hunger, boredom and the terrible reality of confinement, as well as the constant threat of being discovered.

In the pages of his diary, Anne Frank records the impressions of this long period in the hiding place.

Alternating moments of fear and joy, the notes are a fascinating account of human courage and weakness and, above all, a vigorous self -portrait of a sensitive and determined girl.

The prince, wrote his diary for himself. However, by listening to a Dutch government member on the radio, suggest that diaries and letters documenting the German occupation be published after the war, she decided that as soon as the conflict ended, she would publish a book, having her diary as a base.

Then it began to rewrite it, improving the text, omitting some passages and adding others.

After capturing the residents of the Secret Annex, the secretaries who worked in the building found the diary. When the war was over, they handed over to Otto Frank, who continued his daughter's desire, selecting her writings and organizing them in a more concise version of the diary, published in 1947.

After Otto's death, the Anne Frank Foundation, founded by him, decided to publish a new edition of the Diary, which gave the reader a better idea of ​​the young woman's universe.

The task of compiling the texts and editing the expanded version was in charge of writer Mirjam Pressler. This version, known as "definitive edition", is published in Brazil exclusively by the Editorial Record group.

Anne Frank's diary is one of the most read books in the world. The touching and impressive account of the atrocities and horrors committed against the Jews makes this book a precious document and one of the most important works of the twentieth century.

O Diário de Anne Frank (PDF)

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